The jobs you frequently have to deal with unpleasant, angry, or discourteous individuals are listed below.
Telephone operators
Telephone operators provide information by accessing alphabetical, geographical, or other directories. Assist customers with special billing requests, such as charges to a third party and credits or refunds for incorrectly dialed numbers or bad connections. They may also handle emergency calls and assist children or people with physical disabilities to make telephone calls.
Median Annual Salary: $31,970
Correctional officers and jailers
Correctional officers and jailers guard inmates in penal or rehabilitative institutions in accordance with established regulations and procedures. They may also guard prisoners in transit between jail, courtroom, prison, or other point. Includes deputy sheriffs and police who spend the majority of their time guarding prisoners in correctional institutions.
Median Annual Salary: $39,040 Projected 10-Year Employment Growth: 9.44%
Telemarketers solicit donations or orders for goods or services over the telephone.
Median Annual Salary: $22,310
First-line supervisors/managers of correctional officers
First-line supervisors/managers of correctional officers directly supervise and coordinate activities of correctional officers and jailers.
Median Annual Salary: $55,910 Projected 10-Year Employment Growth: 8.5%
Police, fire, and ambulance dispatchers
Police, fire, and ambulance dispatchers operate radio, telephone, or computer equipment at emergency response centers. Receive reports from the public of crimes, disturbances, fires, and medical or police emergencies. Relay information to law enforcement and emergency response personnel. They may also maintain contact with caller until responders arrive.
Median Annual Salary: $35,370 Projected 10-Year Employment Growth: 17.82%
Bailiffs maintain order in courts of law.
Median Annual Salary: $38,570 Projected 10-Year Employment Growth: 8.44%
Psychiatric aides
Psychiatric aides assist mentally impaired or emotionally disturbed patients, working under direction of nursing and medical staff. They may also assist with daily living activities, lead patients in educational and recreational activities, or accompany patients to and from examinations and treatments. They may also restrain violent patients. Includes psychiatric orderlies.
Median Annual Salary: $24,950 Projected 10-Year Employment Growth: 5.77%
Reservation and transportation ticket agents and travel clerks
Reservation and transportation ticket agents and travel clerks make and confirm reservations for transportation or lodging, or sell transportation tickets. They may also check baggage and direct passengers to designated concourse, pier, or track; deliver tickets, contact individuals and groups to inform them of package tours; or provide tourists with travel or transportation information.
Median Annual Salary: $31,740 Projected 10-Year Employment Growth: 8.11%
Slot key persons
Slot key persons supervise and coordinate activities of slot department workers to provide service to patrons. Handle and settle complaints of players. Verify and pay off jackpots. Reset slot machines after payoffs. Make repairs or adjustments to slot machines or recommend removal of slot machines for repair. Report hazards and enforce safety rules.
Median Annual Salary: $26,630 Projected 10-Year Employment Growth: 2.79%
Gaming supervisors
Gaming supervisors supervise and coordinate activities of workers in assigned gaming areas. Circulate among tables and observe operations. Ensure that stations and games are covered for each shift. They may also explain and interpret operating rules of house to patrons. They may also plan and organize activities and services for guests in hotels/casinos. They may also address service complaints.
Median Annual Salary: $48,530 Projected 10-Year Employment Growth: 11.79%
Probation officers and correctional treatment specialists
Probation officers and correctional treatment specialists provide social services to assist in rehabilitation of law offenders in custody or on probation or parole. Make recommendations for actions involving formulation of rehabilitation plan and treatment of offender, including conditional release and education and employment stipulations.
Median Annual Salary: $47,200 Projected 10-Year Employment Growth: 19.28%
Parking lot attendants
Parking lot attendants park vehicles or issue tickets for customers in a parking lot or garage. They may also collect fee.
Median Annual Salary: $19,530 Projected 10-Year Employment Growth: 4.22%
Gaming managers
Gaming managers plan, direct, or coordinate gaming operations in a casino. They may also formulate house rules.
Median Annual Salary: $66,960 Projected 10-Year Employment Growth: 11.8%
Parking enforcement workers
Parking enforcement workers patrol assigned area, such as public parking lot or city streets to issue tickets to overtime parking violators and illegally parked vehicles.
Median Annual Salary: $35,390
Subway and streetcar operators
Subway and streetcar operators operate subway or elevated suburban trains with no separate locomotive, or electric-powered streetcar, to transport passengers. They may also handle fares.
Median Annual Salary: $56,880 Projected 10-Year Employment Growth: 18.75%
First-line supervisors/managers of police and detectives
First-line supervisors/managers of police and detectives directly supervise and coordinate activities of members of police force.
Median Annual Salary: $78,260 Projected 10-Year Employment Growth: 8.06%
Interviewers interview persons by telephone, mail, in person, or by other means for the purpose of completing forms, applications, or questionnaires. Ask specific questions, record answers, and assist persons with completing form. They may also sort, classify, and file forms.
Median Annual Salary: $28,820 Projected 10-Year Employment Growth: 15.62%
Child, family, and school social workers
Child, family, and school social workers provide social services and assistance to improve the social and psychological functioning of children and their families and to maximize the family well-being and the academic functioning of children. They may also assist parents, arrange adoptions, and find foster homes for abandoned or abused children. In schools, they address such problems as teenage pregnancy, misbehavior, and truancy. They may also also advise teachers.
Median Annual Salary: $40,210 Projected 10-Year Employment Growth: 12.33%
Psychiatric technicians
Psychiatric technicians care for individuals with mental or emotional conditions or disabilities, following the instructions of physicians or other health practitioners. Monitor patients' physical and emotional well-being and report to medical staff. They may also participate in rehabilitation and treatment programs, help with personal hygiene, and administer oral or injectable medications.
Median Annual Salary: $28,710 Projected 10-Year Employment Growth: 4.19%
Order clerks
Order clerks receive and process incoming orders for materials, merchandise, classified ads, or services such as repairs, installations, or rental of facilities. Generally receives orders via mail, phone, fax, or other electronic means. Duties include informing customers of receipt, prices, shipping dates, and delays; preparing contracts; and handling complaints.
Median Annual Salary: $28,710
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